Positive: Classy. Intelligent. Loving. Friendly. Curious. Complex. Giving. Determined. Extrovert. Encouraging.

Negative: Temperamental. Critical. Mischievous. Impatient. Indulgent. Stubborn. Sarcastic. Overbearing. Domineering. Impulsive.

Cassandra's personality can be considered something like a variable. She's a little bit of everything wrapped into one and always changing. It depends on the day, her mood, the people around her, everything. She doesn't quite adapt to others but if needed she'll tone down parts of her to fit the other person to make them comfortable.

She can be loud and carefree one minute the quiet and reserved the next. She likes to think she's a funny person even though her wit and sarcasm might be taken for seriousness. Her humor tends to run on the dry side of things and what's funny to her might not be funny to others.

Cassandra may come off as a woman who can stand on her own two feet without the help from anyone else, doesn't need approval or validation to get by but underneath all of that she does have her severe insecure moments that she tries to hide behind a laugh and a smile. But those moments are few and far in-between and only take place with someone who's close to her or she thinks she can form a close bond with. She has a tendency to quickly bounce back from feelings of despair.

She has heated, hot-headed moments where her temper will get the best of her because she can be easily provoked and say things in the moment that she will regret later. But she is loyal to a fault and while she's untrusting by nature to people she doesn't know, once she gets to know someone, they can almost do no wrong in her eyes or she will find a way to justify anything.

Cassandra has a passion and enthusiasm for friends, family and life if people accept it. She can come off as needy or nosy but it's not that entirely. Sometimes she does crave affection and attention from others and will stop at nothing to get it. She cares for her family and friends and wants to make sure they all know that she's there for them whether they want her there or not. She has a tendency to speak her mind when it's not needed but will hold her tongue when she should speak her mind. It's a fine line that even she hasn't mastered yet.

Comic Tie-Ins:
∞ She has a love for cats and generally doesn't trust anyone who doesn't like them or can tolerate them.

∞ She is a thief but only a few select people in her life know of her side job.

∞ She carries the same set of abilities and skills as Catwoman due to her training for becoming a highly skilled thief.