Acrobatics: Gifted and accomplished athlete, with heightened acrobatic prowess.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Has years of training starting from when she was a child. She is a dangerous, clever and resourceful fighter, known for precise, agile attacks and speedy getaways. Has also mastered the following martial arts styles: Dragon Style Kung Fu and Krav Maga.

Stealth: She is as stealthy as any large cat. She has easily been able to sneak up on large groups of people and even other vigilantes on patrol.

Thievery: Master and accomplished thief, known for her burglary of cat-themed objects, gems, jewels and art of the highest quality. Hardly one to knock over a bank, she would rather break into the chairman's office and take something personal.

Disguise: To pull off her many capers, she resorts to disguises and aliases. She once posed as an old lady in order to steal a valuable piece of jewelry while on a cruise ship. Later, she posed as a night club goer in order to get acquainted with it's owners and return later to rob them.

Strength Level: Possesses peak human strength level of a woman her age, size and weight, in addition who engages in intensive regular exercise and combat training. Capable of pressing up to twice her own weight (up to 270 lbs). She is capable of swinging uninjured with a grapple or whip.**

*Skills/abilities applies to both alternate universe and comicverse but not as fearless in the au. **Only applies to comicverse.